English is fun !

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

แบบฝึกที่ 4 ทบทวนประโยคคำถาม (Verb to be, Verb)

แบบฝึกที่ 4
ทบทวนประโยคคำถาม (Verb to be, Verb)

              Fill in the blank with Is, Am, Are then answer the questions.  
             คำชี้แจง : จงเติม  Is, Am, Are ลงในประโยคและตอบคำถามให้ถูกต้อง
                    Example :  Is the bird in the cage?
                                      No, it isn’t.
                      1.________   she  in the house?

                    2. ________   the dog and the cat  in the house?

                     3.  _______   the  men  behind a house?

                    4.  _______   I  in my living room with  my brother? 
                      5.  _______   Carol, Anne and I friends?
                      6. _______   it a white and yellow bee?  
        ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                _______________________________________________________________

                  7.  _______  Pook -Look my white rabbit?

                  8.  _______  they nice girls?
                  9. _______   the children in the school?

                10.   _______ he  hungry?  

                 11.  _______ Tukky funny and nice?

                12.  _______  Jim and Cathy at home?  
                  13.  _______ the elephant stand?

                14.  _______  Mr. Cooper in the coffee shop?                                                                      
              15.   _______  a fish in the pond?
                 16.  _______   birds in the sky?  
                  17.  _______  you a slim girl?

                  18.   _______ a dog food colorful ? 

                   19.  _______ the people  at work?
                    20.  _______ the baby birds in the nest?

